
Archie Caringal

Archie Caringal

Occupational Therapist

Hi, I'm Archie Caringal an Occupational therapist by profession and a photographer, cook, baker and an animal lover by passion. I used to work in a government hospital in Quezon City way back 2001. The pay was good for a bachelor like me but planning for a family? I don’t think so.

Working abroad was not in my DNA or in my dreams. It was a decision made out of need and being righteous. I OWE MY PARENTS MONEY! (Although they don’t ask me for payment) Hahaha. That thought drove me to apply for a job overseas.

Landing a job here in Qatar really paid off. Why you may ask? First of, 6 months after I reached here and my father required a by-pass surgery and by grace of God and a bank loan (Hahaha) I was able to pay for the whole surgery.

I told myself that in 2 years after I paid my debt and my loan I’d be out of here! 13 years later I’m still here and enjoying life. I brought my wife here in Qatar and she fortunately landed a job in one of the banks here, from then on our lives got better and better. We have 1 daughter and she is studying here and loving the life here. Was able to invest, travel and secure our future and is planning for an early retirement.

For all you guys who are considering working abroad, DO IT NOW! Seize the moment! Grab the opportunity and start young. Don’t fall in to the pitfalls (of overspending). Invest (properly). Save (But don’t be stingy). Buy experiences not material things. And lastly LISTEN! Listen to those who experienced it before you. Everything you learned from books will be worthless without experience.